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Notes from a Private Lesson
Diego & Diana demonstrate a few tango fundamentals.
The whole world comes to the Louisville Tango Festival. Here renowned tango instructor Diego Santana (from Uruguay) and first-time tango enthusiast Diana Eid (from Munich) immortalize a few tango basics.
Reach for the apple.

Really go for it. As Diego explains - “brazo” means “arm” in Spanish – and “abrazo” means hug. Put your whole arm into it.
Up top – this is Argentine tango! Take that apple you reached for and pretend it's between your waists.


"Collect" what you can, or in other words:
Get it Together!
At least the ankles. Knees, too, if that’s how you’re genetically engineered (avoid toppling over).
He opens the door.
She glides through.
He closes the door. Remember him at Christmastime!

Open the door. Close the door.
Don’t bend at the hips.

No scrunching!
Even if you’re a foot taller than your dance partner (and he's wearing the tango shoes), keep your back up.
Keep your weight over one leg (not locked over your center line).
You're a tangoista – not a plastic traffic cop.

Keep your weight over one leg.
Parada means stop.

Tango comes with a foot brake: If he’s touching your feet, this means stop.
This is what one lesson in Louisville can do!

Put it all together.

Like yoga or karate, tango is a life-long practice. That’s why they call it “a-mazing” – once you wander into the maze, you’ll never want to wander back out!
Dance ’til you drop.

When you realize you’ve renamed your feet “Hurty” and “Blister”, it’s time for a rest.
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